Texas Religion

The Landscape of Religion in Texas

Texas Religion focuses on the unique slogans and symbols used to describe Texas religious identity and culture, including how religion gets mixed with people’s support of college’s like Texas A&M University.

Texas religions encompass a diverse tapestry of faiths and practices, from traditional Christian denominations such as Baptists and Methodists to a growing number of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and followers of other world religions, reflecting the state’s rich cultural and demographic diversity.

Do you know Texas Religions?

Can you identify which state cut-out matches these religious identities?

  • Protestant Christianity 
  • Catholic Christianity 
  • Latinx Catholicism 
  • Asian Religions (I.e. Buddhism & Hinduism)
  • Esoteric/New Age Religion 
  • Christian Nationalism 
  • Indigenous Religions
  • Spiritual, but not Religious (aka “Nones”)
0 % of Texas is Religious

Texas remains one of the Americas more “religious” states and ranks in the upper half among the states in percentage of the population belonging to a denomination.

0 .1 Million Non-Religious Texans

This number reflects a significant portion of the population that may adhere to secular beliefs, alternative spiritual practices, or simply identify as non-religious.

Circle of Texas Crosses

Texas Cutout Milagros Collages

The eight wood cutouts of the state of Texas represent the primary and diverse expressions of religion found across of the state.


Inspired by the Mexican Milagros style of decoration, these wood cutouts are adorned with a variety of religious pins, medals and pendants found at thrift shops throughout the Brazos Valley and East Texas. Each cutout spotlights a different religious tradition.


Milagros, in Spanish, means miracle. Mexican artists make tin charms to look like people, body parts, animals or other objects that mirror items people want prayer for. Such charms are used in collages, often put on crosses and hung in places of worship, just as these Milagros seek to draw spiritual attention to people’s personal needs.


Similarly, the cutouts seek to draw the viewer’s attention to the distinct spiritual identities and diverse religious beliefs found in the Brazos Valley.

Five Texas crosses

Five Major Geographies of Texas

The large wood Texas plaque provides a visual map of the geographies where the largest concentrations of religious adherents are found around the state. Christianity is the dominant religion in Texas, while the Catholic Church is currently the largest religious denomination.

San Antonio
San Antonio is Texas’s largest Catholic city and the 8th largest Catholic city in the United States. Almost 30% of the city identifies as Catholic, totaling more than 3 million people.
Large Crucifix
Brownsville, TX is one of the most densely populated Catholic dioceses in the country. More than a million Catholics worship in one of its 72 parishes and 44 missions each Sunday.
Small Crucifix
The Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex has the largest Christian population by percentage out of any large metropolitan area in the United States. 78% of its residents report they are religious and regular church attenders.
Black Cross
Houston, TX ranks number two in its Christian population, with 73% of its residents identifying as Christian, while 20% of its population identify as religiously unaffiliated and another 7% practice other religions.
Red Cross
The largest concentration of Protestant Christian Churches in Texas is found in Lubbock, TX. It also has the most churches per capita of any city in the United States
White Cross