Secondhand Sacred Research

A Scholarly Examination of Religious Material Culture

The range of material culture is immense, from Bibles and books to prayer guides, rosaries, holy cards, figurines, clothing, art, icons, games, and much more.

Our Research

 Dr Bielo’s goal is to better understand how Christian material culture is circulated through secondhand economies.

This research involves doing ethnographies in local thrift shops, church closing sales, and estate sales, cataloging common religious items found in a database, investigating the origins of both exemplary and unique objects, and showcasing representative items online via Instagram and research exhibitions.

Take a journey through our carefully curated exhibits and explore a diverse collection of religious material culture.

Religious Items on Shelf
visited during this project
0 Estate Sales

The Secondhand Sacred project has uncovered a fascinating array of religious artifacts and personal items, from cherished heirlooms to forgotten relics, revealing what was valued and how faith was expressed.

cataloged into a database
100 Items

Dr Bielo has uncovered many distinctive and noteworthy religious devotion and home décor artifacts, including a item #1 and a item #2.

found throughout the investigation
100 Unique Objects

Dr Bielo’s current Secondhand Sacred collection is dominated by examples of Protestant and Catholic Christianity, many of which are also sought after by many antique enthusiasts.

showcasing unique religious items
100 + Instagram Posts

This research project enables Dr Bielo to reflect on the analytical exploration of religious beliefs within both private and public sectors of society.